We understand that sometimes you need to be able to cancel your order.
15 Day Returns
We will refund any unopened or unused product for a period of 15 days after the product is shipped. The product being exchanged or returned must be in its original condition and packaging. Unless the product was defective, you will be responsible for the original shipping cost and the cost to return the package back to us.
Please note that clearance items cannot be returned.
If you find that there is a problem with your product, please contact us immediately upon receiving your order, we will send out a replacement, or issue you a store credit, or refund you the full price of the product.
We ship out our orders pretty quickly; if you need to cancel your order, it needs to be done before your order has shipped out. If it has not been shipped out, we can easily cancel your order for a full refund. If your order has shipped, you will need to return the unopened items back when received, and then we will refund you minus any shipping costs. We cannot accept cancellations on social media.
How to Return a Product
If you would like to return your order, or a product within your order, please call us at (302) 502-2386, email us at mail@eonnutrition.com . Once we confirm the return, you can return it to the address below. Please make sure to include a copy of your order receipt in the box, otherwise we may not know it is coming from you.
Elements of Nutrition
ATTN: Returns
19 North Booth Drive
New Castle, DE 19720
In order to cancel an order, you need to call us. When calling, please have your order number ready.
When using coupon codes, you can only use ONE coupon PER ORDER ONLY; they cannot be combined with other discounts.
International Returns
Due to customs and shipping fees, International returns are not normally cost effective.